Nine Fierce Women
Sunday, February 18, 2018
What does it mean to be fierce in midlife? On this #ForeverFierceDay, let's embrace getting older, wiser and more fabulous! Big thank you to Catherine Grace O'Connell for bringing the most fabulously fierce women together TODAY on her blog.
For me, being fierce taking chances, accepting life's ups and downs, and being my authentic self. The older I get, the more new things I try. I can't imagine doing HALF of what I'm tackling now when I was in my 20's! Yes, I may have a few lines (ok more than a few) and definitely a lot more grey hair, but life is good and I'm a stronger version of myself. I'm more confident, secure in myself and able to speak my mind.
I like being fierce and unafraid at 56.
This year has brought an amazing new group of friends my way through Uncommon Threads, the non-profit I launched to empower women. I want to introduce you to some of the beautiful, caring, compassionate and brilliant women who dedicate their time, energy and love to the program. They are the true meaning of fierce!
Meet nine women who bring me joy, laughter, support and wisdom. They truly make my life richer.
Andover, MA
Find Amy on IG
Midlife means time for another chapter--for new adventures! Midlife means that we are old enough to have valuable experience and insight behind us. But it also means we are young enough to take that knowledge and confidence to propel us towards new challenges!
Midlife means that we are a little less agile, maybe with a few more aches. But it hopefully also means a greater acceptance of ourselves and a better understanding of our bodies, our health and the value of each day.
Andover, MA
At first "midlife" triggered feelings of angst---"oh that's the time for the crisis". But quite the opposite actually--midlife means change in so many ways. I have been fortunate to take a career break and with it came time for "me". It sounds selfish, but much like being in an airplane and putting the mask over your face first to then help others, I am in a place for deep breathing with so much to give.
Being a part of the non-profit Uncommon Threads since its inception a year ago, I have not only learned to breathe along the way, but I am mindfully giving back positivity and strength to our clients. Being surrounded by strong, beautiful and caring women, I am learning that midlife is just the beginning of a wonderful journey, yet to experience and cherish as the years before.
Salem, NH
Find her on IG
Midlife is a rebirth, like connecting with an old friend, reflecting on how I've changed through the years as a young wife and mother watching her family grow. Do I enjoy the small things? Which goals did I achieve? Which did I pass over in favor of those more exciting?
I'm walking down different avenues. Truly in the past I didn't make time for my interests, but now I do. I focus on people and activities that are close to my hear. I've lived long enough to see how fleeting health is, so it's my priority. Making time to spend with girlfriends keeps my sanity at check, and I thank them for listening, laughing and loving. Most important is the time I spend with my husband. We enjoy weekly date nights, relaxing with a drink on hard days, and giving in to wanderlust, just us two.
CATHY SULLIVAN, "almost 60"
Haverhill, MA
Find her on IG
A time for reflection...
A time to sit back and watch my kids become men---just enjoy
the people they have become and say as a single mom, "I did that. Good job!".
A time to stay healthy and become the best person I can back to others because I am truly blessed.
A time to enjoy life with my husband, family and friends more.
A time to worry less about things I can't change.
The best is yet to be!
Manchester by the Sea, MA
Midlife is a time of transition. It brings with it consequential challenges and the opportunity for monumental triumphs of impact. Along with the shifting of weight comes a shifting of focus. Form others, your job description as CEO of your household has been reduced to consultant status. Working women have climbed their way to the top of a constantly changing work environment. Many have a platform to implement change. It can be a time of reexamination and redefinition of yourself as a woman and as a human being. It becomes incredibly important to set new goals, stay relevant and find causes and people that have meaning to you. A new awareness of mortality creeps in and a sense of urgency to find purpose and fulfillment. It' is YOUR time. Us it. Be confident, be fierce, be YOU!
Andover, MA
My "real life" began at 50! Being fierce in midlife is about being your authentic self--letting your heart lead instead of your head. It is listening to the voice inside you instead of the external voices of what you should and shouldn't be, look like, etc. While my first 50 years made me who I am, it was not until I started looking inside to see my authentic soul that I was able to truly enjoy who I am and embrace the good and the "bad". I am a recovering perfectionist- where in my early years my focus was on being "perfect" and hiding any imperfections. Midlife is about being perfectly imperfect and loving yourself exactly as you are right now. From that self-love comes great personal power which enables us "mid-lifers" to accomplish great things and be fulfilled in a way that we never could have in our prior 50.
North Andover, MA
At the midpoint in my life, as I look back at all the stupid things I did in my 20's, I appreciate how I survived "Mom territory" in my 30's and 40's. I now can look forward to the fabulous 50's. I've decided that this decade is for me to do the things I love. I continue to feel 18, though I don't look it! I don't wear lingerie, I wear Spanx! While I love fashion, I know I don't have to completely follow it to look good. I may even figure out how to accessorize properly. As Bette Davis once said, " Getting old is not for sissies", well I'm no sissy so bring it on!
North Andover, MA
Being fierce to me means just liking myself. Simple as that. No more trying to be something that I'm never going to be, but also realizing I can be whomever I want to be. Being fierce in midlife is nothing like how I imagined...IT'S SO MUCH MORE FUN! I love and live with fierce emotions and while they may be messy at times, "I'm okay with it". Midlife has brought me clarity and a sense of calm that for much of my life I didn't have. I'm completely content with my complicated life.
I live more deliberately. I'm more forgiving and more thoughtful with how I spend my time. My relationships are fewer, but richer. I'm open to learning new things and having new adventures. I find myself facing life's challenges and disappointments more bravely. I'm living my life on my own terms and it feels oh, so good!
I am at a stage where I can reflect on the first phase of my life and look to the next. I have raised and been blessed with two amazing children who have wonderful careers and partners. I have been with my fabulous husband for over thirty-years. Experience has taught me to appreciate my family, friends and the strong support system that I have surrounding me. The days of carpooling to sports, helping with homework and college applications are over. My babies are now independent adults, while my parents are aging and will likely need more support in the future. Dealing with illness and death of friends and their parents becomes more frequent and I appreciate that each day is a gift. I reflect on my good fortune and look forward to future generations and helping them to make the world a better place for all of us.
So join the #ForeverFierce revolution HERE!
XO Susan