Another Way to Cover Gray
Monday, February 05, 2018
Getting a cancer diagnosis has prompted me to make healthier changes in my life. I'm eating differently. My diet is now Paleo (another blog) and I'm trying to eat mostly organic food. I'm also doing my best to cut down on the amount of chemicals that touch my skin. I haven't gone totally chemical-free (there are certain products that I won't give up!), but I'm eliminating as many toxins as I can.
However, I've been stressed about coloring my hair. I'm not ready to go gray, yet I don't want to put harsh chemicals on my scalp either. When I told my amazing stylist Helen (of Robert Jason Salon) about my dilemma, she did some research and found CCT (Clean Color Technology), a kinder gentler color. Is she the best or what?
However, I've been stressed about coloring my hair. I'm not ready to go gray, yet I don't want to put harsh chemicals on my scalp either. When I told my amazing stylist Helen (of Robert Jason Salon) about my dilemma, she did some research and found CCT (Clean Color Technology), a kinder gentler color. Is she the best or what?
Photo by Cathleen Trainor |
Here's what CCT doesn't have:
PPD--a chemical used in permanent hair dye that many people have an allergic reaction to. It also is a possible carcinogen.
Resorcinol--a coloring agent also found in acne treatments.
This can be a human immune system toxicant.
Ammonia, which can cause itchy scalps and watery-red eyes.
I was worried that a natural hair color wouldn't give me enough gray coverage, but CCT works just as well as my old color! It also left my hair shiny and soft, and it was so gentle on my sensitive scalp.
CCT comes in 106 permanent shades, achieves up to 5 levels of lightening, has 100% grey coverage, smells great and is formulated for salon use. Helen got the color right on the first try by the way!
If you're in the Merrimack Valley (Massachusetts)/Greater Boston area, I HIGHLY recommend Robert Jason Salon. Not only are all of their stylists incredibly talented, but they are now able to offer CCT to clients who prefer a more "natural" approach to hair color. Hurray for choices!
If you're considering switching over to CCT, schedule a consult with one of their amazing stylists. Tell them I sent you for $25.00 off your first service.
XO Susan
If you're in the Merrimack Valley (Massachusetts)/Greater Boston area, I HIGHLY recommend Robert Jason Salon. Not only are all of their stylists incredibly talented, but they are now able to offer CCT to clients who prefer a more "natural" approach to hair color. Hurray for choices!
If you're considering switching over to CCT, schedule a consult with one of their amazing stylists. Tell them I sent you for $25.00 off your first service.
XO Susan