Out with the old--in with the new!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thank you to everyone for all the great blog feedback. I can tell that this is going to be a fun project!
So, yesterday I gave you some ideas for transforming a simple black dress into a fabulous outfit. Today I want to focus on your closet since it's key to developing a great wardrobe.
What's the inside of your closet like? Is it stuffed with clothes that you don't wear, or don't know that you even have? The experts say that we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. This is SO true! We tend to gravitate toward the clothes that look the best on us, are the most comfortable, and are the easiest to make outfits with. The rest just gather dust, take up space and go unworn.
Closet cleaning can be a huge and overwhelming project. I offer closet revamping sessions as one of my services and some jobs can take over 7 hours! If the task of going through your closet is too daunting, try doing it in sections. My challenge to you is to start with one side of your closet and each day take 15 minutes sorting through 5 or 6 pieces of clothing. Try each piece on and ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I love how this looks on me?
- Does the color work for me? Does it make my skin glow and my eyes sparkle OR does it wash me out?
- Does it fit? If not, can it be tailored?
- Do I have something to wear with it? (If the piece is great but you need something to go with it, start a shopping list).
- Is it comfortable?
- Is it in good condition or is it pilled, ripped, stained, etc?
If you've answered "no" to any of these questions, chances are there are clothes you're not wearing. My advice? Move them out! Your closet should only contain the clothes that fit you well and look great on.
So what can you do with the "to go" pile?
1. Consign. If your clothes are in-style and in good condition, you can make a few extra dollars at your local consignment shop.
2. Donate. Many social service organizations are happy to get clothing donations. Try homeless shelters, The Salvation Army, and Dress for Success. Many times you can get a receipt for your donations which you can use for tax purposes.
3. Throw out. If your clothes have seen better days, throw them away!
By cleaning your closet in sections (perhaps a section a night or a couple of sections a week) you will be on your way to a clean and organized closet!
One last tip, make sure that your clothes are hung on the proper hangers. Wire and plastic tube hangers can stretch out shoulders and ruin clothes. I like anti-slip thin velvet covered hangers since clothes don't slip off and the hangers take up less space than thicker ones. These can be found at most stores including Target, Bed & Bath, and Walmart.
Enough about closets for today---onto clothes...
The white blouse is a piece that every woman should own. It's timeless style and versatility make it a wardrobe staple. Some of my favorite blouses are:
*Dayanne Danier's Collection Bien Abye www.dayannedanier.com--Her blouses all have gorgeous feminine details!
*Banana Republic--love the no wrinkle collection
*Ann Taylor
Just like the little black dress, the white blouse can easily be taken from day to night. Here are some ideas:
That's it for this blog entry. Have fun with you clothes!
Susan Kanoff, Every woman's stylist