Style Resolutions for 2013
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Tired of a cluttered closet that makes putting outfits together difficult and confusing? Sick of having "I have nothing to wear days"? Fed up with spending money on clothes that you never wear?
Let's make 2013 the year for making positive wardrobe changes. Here's my list of style resolutions!
#1 Purge your closet---get rid of everything that:
A. doesn't work for your body shape B. isn't flattering C. doesn't
fit D. is ripped, pilled or stained beyond repair E. is the wrong color
for you F. is out of style G. you haven't worn in years and probably
never will. H. Call me if you need help. Closet purges are my
specialty :)
#2 Organize your closet. After you've done a good weeding out, organize your closet in a way that works for you. I like to separate my clothing by category and color. For instance, jeans together---tops by color and sleeve length, etc.
#3 Don't buy it unless you LOVE it!!! Why bring home more clothes that will sit in your closet? It's just a waste of money! Ask yourself these questions when shopping....A. Do I have several pieces in my closet that will go with this item? B. Does it fit well? C. Does it flatter my body shape and does the color work for me? D. Can I sit, stretch and bend comfortably? Can I breathe??? E. Will this item require special cleaning and if so, am will I spend the money or time on it? F. Will I wear it and how often?? G. Am I just buying this because it's on sale? Remember, you can spend $10 on a item and never wear can spend $100 and wear it 50 times. What's the better value! H. Do I LOVE how I look in it?
#4. Shop with a focused list. Keep a list of what you need in your purse for when you're out at the stores. This way you'll avoid impulse buys.
#5. Go for a bra fitting. My recommendation for this is to go for once every few years or when you've had a weight fluctuation. A good bra will make all the difference in how your clothes fit.
#6 Shop your closet Take a good look at what's inside your closet. Chance are you have a few fabulous pieces that you have forgotten about!
#7. Get some style inspiration Subscribe to fashion magazines & blogs...start clipping photos of looks that you are drawn to. Create your own "lookbook" with pictures of outfits from your own closet.
#8. Make an effort Make a conscious effort to put a little thought into what you wear. Running to the grocery store? Lose the sweats and throw on a pair of jeans, a sweater and some flats. There's a big connection between how you look and how you feel... and clothes can contribute toward boosting self-esteem and self-confidence. When you look good, you feel good inside and out is my motto.
#9. Tailor, tailor, tailor! Properly tailored clothes can make a HUGE difference in how they fit!
#10 Get some professional guidance You go to a hairstylist for you hair, a make-up artist for your make-up, a massage therapist for relaxation, a nail-tech for a manicure....why not get help with your clothes? My services actually SAVE my clients money as they no longer waste money on clothes that aren't right for them. Plus I've been told that the self-confidence lift of a wardrobe consultation is priceless. For the same cost as a day of beauty invest in your personal style.