Weight Gain
Thursday, September 09, 2010
I recently responded to a blog entry on The Step Mom's Toolbox regarding weight gain and taking back your "power". http://thestepmomstoolbox.com/taking-back-my-power-for-my-health/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+thestepmomstoolbox%2FvVEl+(The+Step+Mom%27s+Toolbox)
Here's my advice...
Many of my clients have gained weight and are very unhappy with the way they look. Our bodies change over time and some of us will never be a size 8! Sometimes it’s just the way we’re built or the way our metabolism functions. My advice is to stay healthy—eat well, exercise, and take GOOD care of yourself no matter what your size is. And of course, my focus is on clothes. I truly believe that women of all sizes can look gorgeous. It’s a matter of knowing what styles and colors are flattering.
So many women put off buying themselves clothes because they’re “waiting” to lose 15 pounds –but guess what? That may not ever happen, or it may take longer than expected! Dress your best NOW! Not only will you look & feel great, but it will motivate you to eat less & exercise. When you’re feeling frumpy, you’re more apt to go after the Oreos!