Trends I Never Want to See Again

Monday, April 22, 2013

There have been some great trends that have made a reappearance...for instance cigarette pants, animal prints, and leggins. However there are some that deserve to go into the fashion time capsule never to be seen again. Here's my list of the worst trends ever!

The Olivia Newton John "Let's Get Physical" look
I am horrified to think that I used to dress like this on a regular basis!!

     Momogrammed sweaters 
     During the 70's I wore this preppy but silly look and thought I was the cat's meow.

      Hukapoo Shirts
      From the horrible polyester material to the "weird" patterns, they were just plain ugly. Of course I paired mine with super-wide bell bottoms to complete the look!

Acid Wash Jeans
What's worse than acid wash jeans? An acid wash jacket!

 Lanz granny gowns
 A got a new granny gown for my birthday every year. Yes, I had quite the collection of flannel.
It was even worse when the whole family wore them!

 Huge shoulder pads
 Why would a woman want to look like a football player?

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